songs for any occasion

Kish Mauve

Come On

Kish Mauve may be the most well known obscure band in my library. You know, the kind you think you don’t know, but you actually know.

Come On, in almost 14 years, has garnered a mere 35.000 views. Their most watched song? 78.000.

Yet another song of theirs has been watched 1.8 MILLION times in 10 years. Then again, being sang by Kylie Minogue definitely must’ve affected its odds.

I don’t remember how I found out about them. Files in my iTunes library certainly predate the Kylie Minogue release—and I remember hearing Two Hearts on TV and doing a slow-motion turn in shock and awe, thinking somehow Kish Mauve found its way into the airwaves.

But I don’t remember where I’ve heard of them. I don’t remember how I got their vinyls, and can’t find the receipts for them either. I do remember digitizing them using my uncles record player in his study, which I enjoy more than the clean versions that can now be found on streaming platforms, but were not even available as CD’s before.

The last time I decided I wanted to hear their album Black Heart, I was on the subway and found myself caught up in a fun race between stations that had brief cell signal enough to stream the next track or two.

All I know is that, when I want to listen to some electropop (which is not a genre I usually enjoy), Kish Mauve more than fills the gap.